Foreign Language Proficiency

The recommended and required levels of proficiency are different for the three language groups identified below. Languages not listed specifically will usually be placed in group two, but you should check with the Director of the M.A. program to be sure of the requirements for your particular language.

Knowledge of a second language is not required for admission to the MAIS program. It is, however, recommended that you have at least the basic foreign language skills in the areas of reading, listening, writing, and speaking gained by four courses of language study at the university level.

You should also have a basic awareness of other cultures. In this way, you can more easily develop the foreign language proficiencies required for graduation.

If you have little or no foreign language skills, you should plan to devote extra time to developing these skills. The skills required for graduation will enable you to begin using on the job the foreign language you have practiced. Throughout your career, you should strive to attain the professional goals for foreign language proficiency and cultural awareness.

Note: Some foreign languages are more commonly taught and some are more difficult to learn. Consequently, the languages are separated into groups, each with its own set of language goals.